plastic regrind pieces

How to Maximize the Value of Plastic Regrind

Production scrap may seem like an unavoidable loss. However, with industrial plastic recycling, these materials can transform from a drain on resources to a possible revenue stream. 

Let’s explore how Quincy Recycle can turn your surplus plastic waste into surplus gains.

What is Plastic Regrind?

Plastic regrind, also referred to as Post Industrial Regrind (PIR), is plastic waste that has been chopped down or ground into smaller pieces, like granules or pellets. Plastics come in various forms and compositions, commonly called resin types. Polyethylene (PE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS) are a few of the most common. Regrind consists of plastic/resin scrap that has undergone heat or at least one process. It is often more manageable as a waste and can be reused in certain manufacturing processes that don’t require virgin plastic materials. 

The resin type usually dictates the ease of movement on the market, but strategies to maximize return are available regardless of the type.

Tips for Increasing Your Plastic Regrind’s Value

Maintain Purity: Contaminants can lower the quality and value of regrind. Keep different types of plastics and resins separate.

Produce a Consistent Size: Particle size can affect regrind performance, and most buyers prefer a consistent supply size. 

Keep It Dry and Clean: Moisture and residue can lead to issues during reprocessing. Keep your regrind dry and free of contaminants.

Understand Market Trends: The value of different resin types fluctuates. Stay informed on market trends (we will help with this).

Invest in Strategic Partnerships: Work with companies, like Quincy Recycle, that have a strong market presence and can move materials efficiently.

Companies can maximize financial returns on plastic recycling by working with Quincy Recycle.

Quincy Recycle handles the movement of plastic waste in its original forms, such as purge, logs, drool, flashings, sprues, and more, and as regrind, ensuring business owners can offload scrap at any stage. We offer a flexible way to dispose of and manage plastic in whole form, part form, or pre- and post-ground waste. 

We’re able to provide the best value for your scrap by tapping into our national marketing expertise. We understand the need for quick payments to maintain a healthy cash flow. Faster-than-average payment terms help our customers reinvest in their operations to make way for increased financial security and growth potential.

We also help companies maximize their return on investment (ROI) by identifying areas for waste management that may otherwise not be considered. Floor sweep, for example, is often collected and disposed of. However, it can provide a valuable opportunity for plastic recycling and a potential revenue stream. 

Recycling plastic scrap and regrind is good for the planet and a smart business move. 

Whether you’re producing regrind and not sure where to go next, or in the market to buy and transform it into your next product line, Quincy Recycle has you covered.

Connect with us today to take full advantage of our buying and selling capabilities for bulk plastic and plastic regrind recycling. Let’s talk about how we can turn your plastic scrap into a possible income stream for your business. Contact us online or call 800.311.6097 to learn more.